Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Marine Iguanas

I am so excited about this trip!  I bought a new camera and am pestering my cat with photography (he is not a willing subject, unlike my previous cat, a siamese).  I am trying to figure out how to do zoom portraits.   I do hope to get some good photographs of marine iguanas.  Iguanas are interesting  lizards - they look like little dragons.  Marine iguanas are more colorful than the land ones.  My quest is a close-up portrait of marine iguanas!  Many, many years ago, I  had friend in my confirmation class whose family had iguanas (and chinchillas too) so I got used to handling them, feeding them, etc.  The friendship ended when I refused confirmation.   She went on to Catholic High school and I didn't!  Hopefully, I will have figured out how to take pictures with my new digital!  - Candace

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